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Ancient Chinese Architecture Defense Structures

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Titel:Ancient Chinese Architecture Defense Structures
Preis:Euro 60.00

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Ancient Chinese Architecture
Ein sensationelles Editionspaket, das erstmals alle Schätze der antiken chinesischen Architektur und Gartenkunst zugänglich macht.
Ancient Chinese Architecture ist die umfassende Publikation für alle Architekturliebhaber und Chinafreunde.
+ Die unübertroffene Fülle an Material, die erstklassige Bildqualität und die edle Ausstattung machen die Reihe zu einem konkurrenzlosen Erlebnis.
+ Geographische Übersichtskarten zeigen Ihnen die besten Routen zu bekannten und weniger bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten.
+ Register ermöglichen eine schnelle und zuverlässige Orientierung.

.....wahrlich ein Fest für die Augen....das umfassenste und gut ausgestattete Bild-Handbuch für das Studium der chinesischen Architektur-Tradition... KunstbuchAnzeiger

Ancient Chinese Architecture

One of the most impressive military defence works in the history of humanity is the Great Wall of China, 6,350 kilometres in length.
The last volume in the series is dedicated to an exhaustive study of the history and building techniques of the Great Wall. Together with the nine fortified border towns it served to defend every inch of the massive land from invasion. Other fortified cities are also included with their watch-towers, moats, city walls and city gates: Changan (Xian), Luonyang, Jianye (Nanjing), Kaifeng und Beijing.

Photographs: The Great Wall; North China; Central China; South China; Northeast China; Western China.-
Text: Evolution of City Defense Structures, Walls and Moats Ascent and Decline of the Dynastic Capital Cities: The First City Walls and Moats; Towns and Cities of the Three Dynasties; Capital Cities of the Periods of Spring/Autumn and the Warring States; Qin Xianyang, Han Changan and Luoyang; Yecheng, Jianye and Chengdu of the Period of Three Kingdoms; Wall Construction During the Two Jin and the Northern/Southern Dynasties; Changan Cheng of the Sui and Tang Dynasties; Yuan Dadu, Ming and Qing Beijing and Provincial Cities.- Design, Structure, Construction, Attack and Defense Strategically Located Strong Defense Systems: Rules of Design; Defense Structures; Construction; Attack and Defense.- The Ten Thousand Li Great Wall The Greatest Defense Work in Chinese History: History of the Great Wall; Nine-Frontier Vital Commands.- Appendices.- Notes on the Photographs.- Maps and Chronology
2001. 186 pages. 157 figures, in colour. Format: 26 x 37 cm